Nokia: over one million devices sold Lumea, with heavy losses

Nokia financial report showed a loss of almost one billion euros, but believes sales of appliances and Weindoos von improve the situation
Stressed the optimism. Nokia CEO Stephen Champion (photo: publicists)
Nokia is gaining momentum with Windows Mobile, but affected other markets. Mobile phone giant, today announced that since November has sold "a lot more than a million" Lumea instruments - two of the first phones based on the company's mobile operating system from Microsoft, Windows Phone. Microsoft, by the way, Nokia has paid 250 million dollars this quarter, as part of Nokia's adopted his mouth and Weindoos Von its primary operating system for smartphones.
This is pretty impressive leap, but one can not compare with the performance of two strong competitors in a mummy - Android and Apple iPhone models. Last quarter, Apple sold 37.04 million iPhones, and not known how many Android phones have been sold but the number is expected to be significantly higher than that of the iPhone. However, viewers have Windus von devices, led by a mummy, a success which can be compared to that of the iPhone and Android in a number of years.
Investors call that Nokia executives conducted after the publication of reports, highlighted the company's CEO Stephen Champion Nokia's optimism regarding the introduction of a series of dazed American market, which begins today. General reminded time and again that Lumia 900 - the device on Nokia announced at CES two weeks ago, earning accolades and 13 awards are considered during the exhibition.
Israel is expected to set the Lumia machines, along with the other phones based on Windows von, come summer or autumn 2012. This is the next major update to the operating system, which should include full support for the Hebrew language. Currently, the system can display Hebrew properly in most applications, but no keyboard or Hebrew interface, and support is not complete.


Infected machines are the most prominent bright spot in Nokia's financial statements, and other areas far below the company's losses. The company sold 31 percent less smart devices than last year and reported a loss of about -954 million euros. Overall, Nokia sold 19.6 million smartphones last quarter - most Symbian devices.
Largest market for Nokia is still in Europe, where the company earned 1.9 billion euros, but even this number lower by about 40 percent of sales of the prior-year quarter. Second largest market is Asia, with 1.3 billion euros (down 19 percent). South America swept Nokia 652 million euros, which was a decrease of nine percent.
While the smallest market, which recorded the biggest drop, is North America - with a reduction from -233 to 55 million euros. Recall that the reason for this is Nokia's decision to stop selling in the North - an American, and enter it again with Windows Phone, what is happening these days.