Microsoft: Kinkt opening windows

Microsoft announced that it developed a special computer version visit Hkinkt, allow the use of short distances of about half a meter

Microsoft is developing a version of Kinkt windows. The company referred questions today whether she will open a special version of Kinkt - Visit ID - movement originally developed Lucks - Xbox 360 - for personal computers. According to one blog post of the company, "the answer is yes: using elements created Bkinkt Lucks - Xbox 360, have optimized hardware and software changes made to fit more based scenarios - a computer."
Thus, changes in the software allows the camera of Hkinkt identify items from a distance of 50 inches with no loss of quality, and at a distance of 40 inches with an inferior quality but reasonable. For comparison, the camera of Hkinkt Bucks - Box requires the player will be a 1.5 to 2 meters from the device, making it non - effective applications Shulhniiim.
A few weeks ago, the company announced Kinkt applications developers program for Windows environment. Microsoft is now announcing that registered users will also have access program updates in motion detection and speech recognition, Microsoft is working on them.
Kinkt, launched a year ago, he controlled the game controller that allows ex-BOX 360 by means of sound and movement. Controller based, in part, the Israeli Fiirmsns technology that works today for bringing hardware similar to that of Kinkt other devices too, including personal computers.