Google Reader is different - angry users

Social elements of the RSS reader from Google canceled and transferred to Google Plus social network. Many people are protesting and rebelling

Want to recommend? Just Google Plus. The new ReaderGoogle launched yesterday (Monday) redesign the RSS reader to her, the Google Reader. Social elements inherent cancellation of the service and its integration with social network "Google plus" created grumbling among many users.The new interface of the Reader is cleaner and should work faster than its predecessor.Unlike the previous situation, now you can click on the "plus 1" in each record that appears in Feed, and perform the corresponding action of Google L"liik "of Facebook - and recommend content. This change created an uproar, for him abolished the Share button RSS reader and recommendations from past Google Plus. So had to use Google Reader to open an account plus to recommend records and can no longer do so without an account. This is in contrast to the previous situation where heavy service users have performed a small internal social brush that you can recommend each other and communicate among users - in the service. Another implication of this is that users recommending the content without identifying themselves - must be identified now, due to the use of social networking account. Google said it will use fake names on Google plus at some point, but did not announce when it will happenThis step caused a protest among many users, and even brought a huge opening that requires Google to restore the situation that currently signed by more than 7,000 people.Type of spin - off of social protest in the United States, called Occupy Wall Street protested several heavy users of the service with the company's offices in Washington under the title Occupy Google Reader, even when informed of the change expected, and before he came into use. Protesters argue that less convenient and less effective to the recommendations in the feed through Google Plus, there will appear in a welter of other content.Customer even expressed an uprising in Iran, for the Google Reader is a social tool and the few allowed in the most popular site in. Sharing through links anonymity allowed opponents of the rule to transfer information freely, and use the Reader as a kind of blog."Disabling sharing Ridder was not a decision easily, but in the end it helps us to focus on fewer areas and build a better experience all over Google," wrote Alan Greene, a software engineer, a post about the update. He noted that users who decide to stop and use Google Reader because of the changes can do that and export the contents of their account.