Sony: PlayStation remains detached

After failing to return the PlayStation Network service activities, moving the deadline Sony May 31

Want to play online PlayStation 3 games? Probably you will need to wait another few weeks. After that was a promise to begin returning the PSN services until last weekend, has learned that Sony's deadline moved to May 31. A company spokesman confirmed the news agency Bloomberg that until Sony is supposed to return the service to full activity. Previously stated, Sony promised to return the service to start progressively task. Sony put out the services to PSN on April 19, after she recognized hacking servers. During the break, it became known, were stolen details of about 100 million users, both service PSN and PC online gaming service - Lack of services becomes part of the games console without - accessible, Achsabmshachakim others can not access the online game modes. Game updates system, as well as update the console itself, continue to work. Although Sony had promised to compensate its customers, among other means, premium subscription service for Playstation Plus coupons for downloading games, yet turned out to be the legal consequences of the break and lack of ongoing service. Many countries submitted claims against the company, and government both in the U.S. and Europe is now investigating whether Sony has a valid save personal information.


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