Google: opens wireless wallet

Google introduced its e-wallet solution. Vision: All the money, tickets, coupons and even ID - on your cell phone

Meanwhile, only supports 
Google Launches e-wallet. Giant company today introduced the Google Wallet - based virtual wallet on a combination of smart phone software solution created in collaboration with banks and credit card companies. The ultimate goal of the project is not only replace the credit cards are in your wallet, but also the cash and all the benefits cards and coupons. All these want Google to your phone. The new product - Google stressed that the product works and is a theoretical concept - based on new technology that already exists on one phone sold in the western market, the Samsung Nexus S designed in close collaboration with Google. The technology, called NFC, based on a chip that allows to create a secure wireless connection is very short range. All you need do is bring your phone to a payment terminal supports, and follow the instructions on the screen. "Because Google Wallet This mobile application, he can do more than a regular wallet," said the official Google blog. "You can store your credit cards, promotions, shopping vouchers club cards, without complications and volume. When you pay, the phone automatically activates the transfer operations club card points. One day, even things like travel vouchers, tickets, ID cards and keys can Loatahssan Google Wallet. " Initially, Google Wallet would support a MasterCard credit card giant Bank of Citi, Google's virtual card - credit card number loaded and there is only a piece of plastic, it will be possible to transfer money from almost any account. The only phone that could be used in the service at launch is the Nexus S, probably only in the Sprint cellular network. 

Where to be paid? 

Since MasterCard is a partner of Google, will concern the credit to Google Wallet access to all terminals PayPass. A service that operates MasterCard for over 6 years, which is available in thousands of places throughout the world. In addition, Google has been signed as his net Subway partners, Macy's, Wolgerins and Toys' R'Us. Currently, the service will run only in New York and San Francisco, but Google this summer plan to expand it to other areas in the U.S. too. The her wallet Google links added service, now launched in selected cities in the United States. Google Offers - service daily deal, Google is currently operated in New York, Oakland, Portland, San Francisco. Like similar services, Google will send subscribers a daily email with the deal today. Operations provided in the Offers will be transferred automatically to Google Wallet, so you will not need to print them. 

And what about Apple? 

No wonder Google is launching its e-wallet as a relatively complete, in cooperation with several large organizations in the American economy. In recent months, full Internet rumors that Apple is planning a competing product, will be incorporated into the next versions of the iPhone phone her. Must realize that the NFC standard, which uses Google, not a unified standard and clear. Solution that Apple may offer not necessarily support that Google and Mastercard. Although within the online services Google has more experience, Apple is the one that can put its e-wallet technology in the hands of millions of customers in less than 24 hours. So that Google can do it, she will have to force the manufacturers of mobile users to integrate Abtlponiam Android system NFC chips, or get an external accessory market that supports the technology - and here already is a significant complication.


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