HTC:Open windows

HTC announced that the cellular market will start with Microsoft's operating system next month. The network leaked Srtotiam
So he'll see. Windows phone 7 of the HTC Phone

The fact that Microsoft is planning to launch October to its mobile OS Windows Phone 7 is unknown. Now exposed to information, including hardware vendors also produce phones with this system. Case Zribi, HTC executive, confirmed that the company will launch a phone with a Microsoft operating system next month.In addition, leaked yesterday to the network diagrams that describe two new devices, and the site of devices even got his picture published. Several other technology sites of the drawings published 7 Trophy HTC HTC HD and 7. Specification of these two devices is not yet clear, but estimate that the HD7 will include 4.3-inch screen, while to the Trophy will be a smaller screen (and a different arrangement of buttons). HTC to 7 will be devoted to the camera and flash button, micro entrance of storage USB 8GB. There is a rumor claiming that the processor will be the Kouelkom processor speed of 1.5 gigabytes - Hz.The launch line-Windows devices Phone 7 does not mean that the company abandoned HTC Android platform, which run many of the device. Case Zribi stressed that although the company is committed to Microsoft's operating system, it also has future plans regarding Android.


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