3Indecent proposal (Google)

French court convicted the Google defamation, after the Google Suggest service denounced Add a person's name
Google Suggest service from the search giant is definitely a useful thing: when the Knesset
query the search engine offers several options to continue nurturing and can shorten the time to type. The engine does this based on queries, which may Sschihutan indicates questioner wants to enter one of them. For example, when the tap (in English) "Barack Obama", Google Suggest offers results "Barack Obama's biography" and "birth certificate of Barack Obama."Paris Court thought the search engine takes, apparently, too much freedom to his proposals, convicted and Google CEO Eric Schmidt defamation.'s Why: When you enter in the name of the person demanding the Google, complementary results are offered by Google Suggest "raped" and "Tiny ". The background of these proposals is the fact that the prosecutor involved in the corruption of a minor, court appeal was still pending.French court ruled that this search engine is defamation, and Google has not shown good intentions in this case. The punishment, however, is symbolic - one euro, together with a requirement to take steps that the case does not happen again. The court ordered Google to pay the plaintiff's legal expenses - 5,000 euros. Google's spokesman said the company would undermine the verdict, and that the Google Suggest results reflect the most common terms used in searching engine, there are suggestions from Google itself.

10 results of the funniest Google Suggest


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