Android opens Doors

Israel to join the countries that you can download Android application fee, after a long period it only had free access here
Israel is on a map of Android. After a long time in which Israelis could use the mobile operating

 system just to download free applications, and without the ability to purchase these fee - This is going to change. Technology blog Tech Crunch advertiser that Google is developing Android, is to allow the ability to purchase 12 new countries, which is also Israel. The company will also purchase the countries, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Finland, Hong Kong, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Singapore and South Africa. These countries join the 14 countries where the service is already active. This means that Google is at least double the number of countries in which applications can be purchased Android, which can be a significant improvement in application developers, who now turn to a larger market. Android is a platform where free software percent of all software is the highest. Year study examined the issue found that 57% of the applications Android offered are free, probably due to the fact that open source system Android - which draws from developers with a link into the development and not necessarily profit. However, it is quite possible that the fact that the system has been so far closed the purchase of a large number of applications made for developers to select countries and the free option. After Android device is Palm's store, with 32% of free applications, followed by Apple, with 25%. The ovi Shop Nokia provides the amount of the lowest free software - only 15%.


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