United Nations Conference: harm freedom of expression online?

UN Conference convenes today in Dubai may lead to far-reaching changes that harm freedom of expression online
 Some of the proposals could allow regimes to justify censorship
UN conference may lead to far-reaching changes in terms of freedom of expression on the Internet. Conference, which starts today in Dubai, behind closed doors, is part of an Association convenes the UN's International Communications between the 3rd and 14th December, aims to change the Convention which provides the infrastructure on which the network is based.
Leaks of the proposed changes to the Convention, in the last months to WICITleaks established for this purpose, made one of the inventors of the Internet, Vint Cerf, write a post concerned the official Google blog, the company where he is employed now. "Some of the proposals could allow regimes to justify censorship, or even cut off the Internet access in their countries," read a post.
In an article he wrote for CNN says Cerf also that "a number of authoritarian regimes seek to eliminate anonymity network, to facilitate finding and arresting dissidents. Others have proposed to transfer the responsibility of the private sector, who manages the allocation of network addresses and domain names, the UN. Other proposals require any Internet provider to pay more money to reach people. "Thus, says Cerf," start - ups next encounter steep hedgerows, perhaps too steep, make their way to YouTube, Facebook or Skype generations. "
Well represented in this conference by officials from organizations such as the Ministry of Communications and Internet Association. Proposal to prepare the delegation, which was leaked, too, begins by saying that "that regulation of international networks, which has proven very effective tool in promoting the industry, not a transformation in individual include the Internet."
Proposal, which looks like one of the more liberal, includes phrases like "any changes that may affect the Internet (how the network is managed, its structure, the free flow of information, or any other aspect) is changing to be avoided ', and' We believe that the way to promote Safety online is by promoting education and providing power by users, not by legislation and regulation. "
Meanwhile, Cerf asking people to sign a petition, under the name of "protecting Internet freedom worldwide." At the time of this writing, there are 33 676 sign petition private and corporate sign 1126 of 167 countries.


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