Is Facebook keeps track of users disconnected?

Hacker argues that even users who work in isolation from Facebook continue Lhiakb by its identification files 

About the application of revealing. Mark Zuckerberg (Photo: Official Site) Is Facebook can identify the sites to which users umbrella even when they are not connected to the Web site? So says the entrepreneur and hacker Nick Kovrilovic'. Post Post to blog writing Kovrilovic' he has made tests and found that after a user makes an disengagement from Facebook, the Kokiz' (files monitoring and saving data) used by social networks continue to work and each time the user visits a site that includes buttons Lake and other buttons of Facebook are embedded - they monitor the activity and send the information on Facebook, including its identification number on the network. "It's not the user's intention when he does Log Out. Facebook just change the state Kuki rather than removing it completely. They definitely registers the information. We can only guess what they're doing with him", said Kovrilovic'. Arthur Badger, an engineer at Facebook, commented post of Kovrilovic' (The writer tried to first submit the claim directly to Facebook and got no response from the company). He claimed that Facebook uses this information only to prevent spam, phishing scams and other safety risks. "When you are connected or disconnected we do not use cookies to identify you through social additives, tailor advertisements or sell your information to third parties," he wrote. Kovrilovic' claims Slakt has serious consequences. "If you use Facebook in a public place and then log off from your account, you still leave behind fingerprints. These will remain there until someone deletes all cookies from your browser. Identifying the user's name with his account number is easy," he wrote on the blog. This discovery coincided with the launch comes the Facebook social apps - the next generation of applications that allows them to update the user's Feed All content consumed through them, even if not pressed Lake or done any action which implies that he would like to share the action. This followed a series of private failures exposed on Facebook over the years, including advertising network "Beacon" shopping information revealed without permission. Users who want to not allow Facebook to monitor their activity on the network, should not only do disconnect from the service, but also delete the Kokiz' browser.


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