The Pirate Bay:Moves to North Korea

Known download site administrators have posted received an invitation operated from North Korea. The suspicion is that this hoax, but testing shows that the site is using the server state
Invited the members Pieratt Bay? Kim Jong - On
Gimmick false or true odd step? Renowned pirate download site The Pirate Bay, managers complicated legal proceedings for years and last week moved its operations from Sweden to Norway and Spain, announced that he was sending to North Korea retinue activity - supposedly at the invitation of control.
"Pirate Bay persecuted in many countries around the world.'s Not because illegal activities, but because of belief in freedom of information. Now written a new chapter in the history of the movement, and the Internet. Invited by the custom of the Republic of Korea, to fight our battle out their network. We believe that accepting this resort proposal is the first step in changing this country's approach to freedom of information. therefore, locate and Korea could be a special bond. done everything we can to influence Korean leadership to allow access to our service of its population, "reads the official announcement posted on Pirate Bay.
But soon published technology sites of media examination of the site shows that it is still working through Europe, and not by way of Korea. Some have concluded that this is not the joke, especially since it is not clear what that help a bargain, so to speak, South Korea, locate and men (whose announcement signed on behalf Kimf Jong - Bay, where the combination of leader Kim Jong - On the site name Pieratt Bay). But the website Torrent Freak, considered a reliable source for news domain, publishing process is at work for several weeks, and now made a change that allows to work through the state. Screenshot of the Trace (identifies the various servers passing through the network application) shows that there is use of servers in Korea.
"Korean relationship is used to hide the real location of the Pieratt Bay. Behind cloud servers still exist elsewhere in the world," torrent freak. "While it's hard to believe anything that the Pieratt Bay say, but the site does indeed pass through the IP addresses of North Korea at the moment. Whether it is permitted by the authorities, or that the act of hacking / hijacking Address - remains a mystery for now. Consider Pieratt Bay known for his satire."


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