Publishers against Amazon: "Do not let her control of Network Address

American publishers organizations are trying to block Amazon's dominance of Internet extensions such as dot. Bock and Dot. Reed
Amazon is trying to control the new Internet extensions - and draws fire. Two groups of publishers - Authors Guild and the American Publishers Association - against the retail giant's her attempt to control the internet web addresses ending in - Dot Book (book.), Dot Aot'or (authoer.) and Dot Reed (read.), arguing that influence anti - competitive.
Last year, ICANN announced that it is launching a process to allow organizations to the new Internet extensions. Amazon is one of the most dominant factors in attempts to buy those. Besides the names in question, it is also applied to control the dot product extensions (free.) Dot Game (game.) and Dot Shop (shop.).
"Placement of domains generic like in private hands is simply anti - competitive, and allows companies that are already dominant expand and entrench the power of their market. Potential abuse seems limitless," he wrote in protest President guild writers Scott Toro to ICANN, the organization responsible for assigning domain names. Even Amazon's biggest competitor - Retail Books "Barnes & Noble", opposes the move. She sent a letter to ICANN argued that Amazon will use its control of the directory to stifle competition in the sale of books and publishing, and threaten Internet freedom and openness. "Talk to the results banquet damage to Internet users around the world," declares "Barnes & Noble".


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