Apple: Acquired a company engaged in navigation inside buildings

Apple is trying to compare positions on Google, and acquires a company engaged in internal navigation inside buildings

Estimated transaction amount: $ 20 million
Apple acquired a company called WifiSLAM engaged in internal navigation within buildings. According to the Wall Street Journal, Apple paid the company $ 20 million. Apple spokesman said Company will buy smaller technology companies from time to time "and declined to elaborate and say what Apple plans to do with the technology of WifiSLAM if it will be integrated into products such as the iPhone and iPad. WifiSLAM also not released an official statement on its Web site is not available now and her Twitter account posted Last post two months ago.
WifiSLAM founded two years ago and has developed ways to enable mobile applications to identify a user's location within a building, using single-Wei - Pei. This technology was offered an internal mapping applications developers and social applications. According to estimates, Apple needs this technology to compete with Google in the mapping - a recent stronger now, and pressing services such as mapping airports Purchased centers and sports facilities.


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