Operation Nube "live war reporting 'Social networks

Technology sites worldwide show Israel's propaganda activities in social media since the beginning of military operations in Gaza
"The IDF declared the war through Twitter" Americans wrote a few blogs in the past, when they refer to coordinated attack - well of accounts belonging to the IDF Spokesman Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube from the moment they learned of the assassination Ahmed Jabari.
The media reported that the video of the hit YouTube posted very quickly - in contrast to previous cases, both the army and the armies like the U.S. - where it took hours, if not days, to spread this video. In addition, the IDF Spokesperson's Office prepared Infographic showing the crimes of Jabari, which began to be distributed on social networks moments after the assassination.
Meanwhile, the video has hit more than 175 thousand views, and image have hit more than a thousand shares on Facebook. Overseas media call it "one of the first cases in which war reporting live 'Social networks, using social media specialists. Thus, at least on the micro - blogging Twitter, tags were linked to Operation in Gaza head of the hottest topics on Twitter worldwide.
At the same time, some media pointed out that it was in public relations and media reports. Furthermore, the reporting of the technology blog AllThingsD issue raises problematic issue arising from the use of the international spokesman added services like Facebook and Twitter. These include conditions of use do not always get along with the violent nature of IDF operations. For example, Twitter's terms of service prohibit violence threatening tweets and YouTube does not allow videos that show graphic violence displayed. Meanwhile, however, the reports were not removed.


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