Anonymous operation: half a million email addresses stolen from Israeli Ynet

Database with about half a million email addresses and personal information (no passwords) taken from Ynet and distributed network
File containing details of half a million Israeli site users distributed last day on social networks, claiming it was some database related to Ynet. The database includes an email address, first name, last name, alternate email address, secret question, answer a user name. No store passwords or credit card information. It seems that this is at least partly in the site belongs ynetshops, following user names and other details that seem to customize it were.
Information released so far do not endanger the users directly, but sites where you can recover your password by entering a secret answer only. Most sites, the answer to the secret question is only one means of security, and is also required access to mailbox - an approach which does not allow current list, that because there are passwords.
The most problematic contribution of the reservoir is real email addresses of users Israelis, and it seems that the burglar's initial use was in the form of sending a message threatening to the address list. Moreover, in some cases revealing the answer to the secret question private information that can help people pass after talking with service providers. Mostly, however, it appears that the reservoir would be particularly useful to spammers, and people who want to attach to an email address.
From Ynet's response: "In the last 24 hours there was an attempted break-alone site, which revealed email addresses and nothing more. ‪ As on previous occasions, the attempt was stopped quickly by security systems on site."

List (sponsored by tube Night - Channel 10 Israel)


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