Microsoft is willing to pay for Windows Phone Application Development

The low number of applications store Microsoft Windows Phone makes paying for those willing to develop for the platform

Not even on market share data. Microsoft Lumea device - Nokia
How Microsoft developers to create applications to its operating system Windows Phone? Enough to pay them for it. New - York Times says the company is trying to entice application developers a series of incentives and rewards - free phones controversy began to pay no small: between 60,000 to 600,000 dollars, be granted membership handbooks and Apps for iPhone and Android - so that they will develop also a version of its mobile operating system. Microsoft hopes to fight the fact that many developers do not want to invest time and money in developing its market share to small: the most recent Nielsen survey did not specify the percentage of the product's market share, since it is probably less than 1%.

Another way to deal with the problem is the development of such applications by Microsoft itself - or through companies in which it uses. For example, Microsoft offered the company that runs the service Foursquare do outsourcing for the labor of an external company - which happily did. Microsoft also addresses the network humor sites I Can Has Cheezburger and the proposal to set up for application and Weindoos Von showing the site pictures of the cats - was granted. Remarkably, not even Facebook has developed its own von Huweindoos its application - but gave the job to external. When a company agrees to make application for its own operating system - Microsoft offers advice on the development, to ensure it built correctly. Thus, for example, going on these days the paper application development "New - York Times" for Weindoos von.

When she does not offer such suggestions, Microsoft has not really 'Nsfrat' by popular applications vendors. Company "Rubio" While developed a version of "Shangri Birds" von Loweindoos, but does not plan to bring the operating system the sequel to "Shangri Birds in Space". "It's not worth the effort", said the company's marketing director Peter Strbka.

The goal: get the hits

Microsoft currently has more than 70,000 applications in its store, including those of well-known brands in the field - such as YouTube, Netflix and Amazon. However, this is a huge gap with competitors: Apple has more than 600,000 applications in the store, and Android is nearly 400,000. These two (Apple and Google) do not pay and had paid for applications developers to create their own platform.

"We are not satisfied with our catalog of applications. This is something we can improve it and indeed improve it every day," said Casey McGee, senior marketing manager and Weindoos von Microsoft. Analysts estimate the company did not have this catch up - but make sure the store will sell all major brands for everyone, including Ainstgrm (its Android version came out just recently), Pandora and Zynga's network games. "When it comes to 100,000 numbers cease to be thinking," said New - York Times Jen Doason, an analyst at the British research firm Ovum. They just have the apps that are "deal breaker" for buyers.

Last year Microsoft announced a collaboration with Nokia, and has already launched a series of devices Lumea with it. The new device comes out of the series these days - Lumea 900 - generates great hopes among the two companies regarding the ability to cope with the iPhone and Android devices. But they both know that this is a difficult task - especially when the device's application store is not enough to offer.

Preston wrote lottery technology that Microsoft has made several more encouraging developers with payment. In a post published after the article in New - York Times said that Microsoft and Nokia are spending these days $ 24 million to create a development plan application Loweindoos von. The "Up - Campus" established Aalto University in Helsinki.