Windows Phone 7 Coming to America

Cellular networks in the United States are beginning to sell Windows machines today and hope hysteria Phone 7 iPhone Version
Microsoft faces an important test of the day before, when the first phones to the Windows Phone 7 begin to be sold in the United States. Sale of certain devices has already begun in Europe, but only today American consumers can buy devices based on new operating system, which should fit in the competition between systems, iPhone, Android Symbian, among others. Equipment sales will begin today are HTC HD7, HTC Surround and Samsung Focus.The question arises whether the new devices produced a hysterical sales as happens with the introduction of various Apple products. Is immense queues are expected at the entrance to shops participating cellular providers launch, most notably AT & T is? Forbes financial newspaper reports that AT & T store in Times Square in New - York, for example, is preparing for massive crowds than usual, and it will open at 7:00 am already. Shop sign was posted prominently promoted new products.AT & T is probably the cellular provider that has invested more than most trying to the Windows Phone 7. The majority of 2200 Hanweutia promote the new phones should position them in a dedicated and prominent (as is done with the iPhone). Much of the stores even allow customers to experiment with instruments. "We want to show that WP7 is not just another device or operating system, but an integrated experience," said John Dwyer, vice president of sales and customer experience. "The slogan we use for WP7 is: 'the only phones with Microsoft Office Mobile, Bing, Xbox, Zune Live and Music." Microsoft, for its part, invested in the transfer of individual sellers of long training AT & T, which taught them all you need to know to sell the device. Now, the companies hope, remains only open the doors of shops and deal with the queues.


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