Microsoft investors: the company has split

Microsoft investors are not happy with the low stock value, criticize Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer and demand to split the company

Conference Microsoft's shareholders held yesterday served as a platform to attack the company's investors on the current and former directors. Shareholders in the company sharply criticized CEO Steve Ballmer and founder Bill Gates for the low price of Microsoft shares. Some investors have stated that Microsoft should actually break down and make a number of smaller companies, in order to become more profitable. While Microsoft's sales are at the peak , and profits rose in recent quarters, but the share value is not high that he can be expected. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said he understood the frustration of shareholders, but altogether the idea of a statue splitting the company. "I do not think it would be effective. It can disarm an economic synergy. "Bill Gates agreed, and responded to claims referred to him, whereby he should not have to sell stock at Microsoft for the charity he runs." The question is whether the fund more worthy of these funds than Microsoft's shareholders, "he said. "I guess I made a decision that wealth goes to the fund instead of Microsoft's stock activity." Ballmer even stated that "Ultimately, the stock market is right (in the sense: reflects a positive state - AL) as long as we are right. So we try to be right as possible." Microsoft's stock's value fell by 15% already. Analysts lowered the stock rating recently, Goldman Sachs said last month that "splitting of retail customer division may disclose the company's hidden value."


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