Facebook: Brakeup Status

Facebook personal statuses analysis reveals interesting about the legality of that year periods separate pairs. Most dangerous: the lovers day
Facebook social network and extensive records such parts of our lives, not surprisingly, it finds illegal manner in which we operate. British journalist David Mc-Mendels revealed the timing and separate pairs in common, however, based on the changes they make to their marital status on Facebook. McKay and his colleagues examined Mendels status updates ten thousand assembled them graph showing the producers of farewells.It turns out that it was in Valentine Day (Valentine's Day) - or rather a little behind, have her great divide. Also, weeks before spring are also dangerous relationship. Perhaps the reason is that students are on vacation from college do not want to be bound daughter / partner during the long vacation. Another critical period of weeks before Christmas: The number of separations rises sharply in early November and reaches its peak two weeks before Christmas. Mc-Neldas appreciate that with the fact that it is where people are buying gifts for people close to them. Surprisingly, perhaps, it turns out that one day in April is also a common separations. The question is whether the spouse is thrown think stretch it ...When you can be sure that (relatively) not throw you? Period of the summer and fall are the safest, with an emphasis on in August Today safest year is Christmas Eve. Probably not holy holiday atmosphere goes hand in hand with the phrase "It's not you - it's me."When it comes to weekdays - Monday is the most dangerous. Although it may be that since the beginning of the work week - this is the day that people update their status after practice broke up the previous weekend. Research of Mc-Mendels has a few more restrictions. Not everyone in the relationship or end it informs about it on Facebook. Also, who ends a relationship does not matter necessarily of its own status immediately upon completion.



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