"You can hold the Ahdroid any way"

Verizon company has released an ad that mocks the iPhone antenna problem, which raises questions about the possibility of integration between its products

IPhone's antenna problem continues to provide ammunition to four competitors. Nokia has r

eleased an ad after it noted that "the device will hold our any form" (the Steve Jobs has advised users not to hold the iPhone antenna is located at the back) - does something similar to Verizon Corporation - U.S. communications provider of the device Ahdroid from Mutorlah.
When the first model out of a Ahdroid, Motorola has chosen an aggressive campaign to publish it hersel

f grinning the iPhone. At the advertisements called Droid Does the company announced the device manufactures do everything iPhone can not do, so the top of him. Motorola introduced its iPhone as a kind of beauty queen compared Ahdroid, "he thought," she claimed. Now, when going to market new models Ahdroid, Verizon-page ad published in New - York Times in which she shows the features of the X-Droid Between them, she notes: "Most importantly, it comes with dual antenna. The kind that lets you hold the phone any way you like and use it anywhere to make phone calls."
Online racing months of rumors and estimates regarding the integration of the iPhone with Verizon, and most recently uploaded by approximate factors "that Apple's cell phone will Horizon in January 2011. Now, after the telecommunications company selects the publication of such mocking Apple device, it is hard not to wonder how realistic that possibility. "What Verizon is doing? If Apple are going to be a partnership soon, consider how the same device to make fun of her she will sell in the near future?" Read technology blog. Usanewsweek.com. "Does that mean the iPhone will not Horizon? Millions waiting for that refrained from purchasing iPhone because they did not want to be stuck with AT & T".


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