Last Quic

Opera, the browser less popular than anyone, probably the fastest among all competitors. Maybe it will raise it above the market share of 5%

Unending Battle browsers get an interesting twist for the site inspection conducted by Locate an existing technology and speed tests and found all five browsers, especially the latest version of Opera browser is the fastest. Oprah attended the examination but Google's Chrome, Mozilla's Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer Apple's Safari.
Site about three tests on the browsers Opera's claim and discovered that the perception of its 10.6 faster its competitors - is correct. Discovered more interesting data: The beta version of Internet Explorer 9 faster 3.6 version of Firefox - an impressive achievement to Microsoft, its browser slow compared to that of Firefox made for nothing. The beta version of Chrome 6 Although giving good results and close to those of the opera (she also has the Opera One of the tests), but on numbers is still far from stable, crashing frequently - making the choice to use it without the real, as opposed to opera , for introducing stability.
Although it exists in the market for 14 years, the Norwegian browser Opera plays a marginal role in the Web browser market, with a share of less than 5%. Mobile browser, however, Opera is a market leader. The company also recently released iPhone version - approved by Apple.


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