Android continues to grow

New ma

rket analysis reveals that the mobile operating system Google's growth trend continues, now includes 13% of the market

Research company comScore released a new market analysis on the cellular world, attesting to the continued rise of the operating system Android. In the study, analyzes the months of March to May 2010, notes that the platform has experienced the greatest growth between market players - 4%, bringing it to analyze 13% of the operating systems market Ahsmartpunim. Android devices are the only ones who experienced an increase in market share during the three months surveyed. Even if their data is still far enough from the competition - a significant and impressive growth trend.
Company RIM, maker of BlackBerry device, controls the U.S. market, with 41.7% Amasmartpunim it. Apple stands behind her, with 24.4%. Analyze Microsoft is 13.2% and Palm closes the fifth with 4.8%. As of May (before the iPhone was launched 4) are used in the United States about 49 million phones Unlocked, an increase of 8.1 from the same period last year.
The market testing instruments (as opposed to operating systems) shows that Samsung is at the top of the list, with a market share of 22.4%. Followed by LG with 21.5%, Motorola (21.2%), RIM (8.7%) Nokia (8.1%). It will be interesting to see these data in the following report, received after months of very successful first sales of the iPhone 4.


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