Broke a 4-threatening Android

Security researchers have discovered a 4 broke the Android operating system which threatens 99 percent of Android devices now

4-Bug Android operating system allows, so to speak, to introduce malicious code into secure applications without breaking their security mechanism. Bluebox Labs security company announced that it will exhibit this month at the Black Hat hacker broke it found. According to company officials, the breach is relevant for 99 percent of Android devices in the market today, it is because it is another Android 1.6 version of its (now Android is about to launch version 4.3).

Typically, after the development of the productive stamp application installation file its signature S"nharst "If someone tries to inject malicious code into the app. Researchers at Bluebox believe that a solution found allows the insertion of non-destructive code signing, and therefore without the ability of the Android OS to recognize that something is wrong update.
In Bluebox say that Google reported another breach in February, and that the security has been its app store so you can not be spread through infected through hole applications. This is not valid, however, third-party stores - to prevent infected applications running on the phone required patches installed by the phone manufacturer. Thus, Galaxie S4 badge has been out fixes the loophole, but many other devices. Worse, they stopped devices will not receive updates for a complete solution against the security hole. Bright spot in this story is not aware of cases where the breach was a rogue - As far as today, it was first discovered by security researchers.


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