Facebook: automatically identifies you

Facebook active without notice automatic face recognition feature, based on the technology of HIghtech Israeli

The service is based on the technology of face.com Facebook has recently begun to change the privacy settings of users that face recognition feature, the user locates the images on the site, will start automatically. With the user locate a particular image, Fiaisbuak encourages his friends to tag it. Facebook does not allow users to avoid tagging the images. Instead, users who do not want their names attached to the picture have to do untag themselves. Although face recognition feature introduced last year, but for users in North America only. Now, according to the report, it becomes global.
The new service was announced that Facebook is actually based on technology developed by start - up Israel face.com Facebook signed last year on the acquisition of licenses to use technology to face.com pays for any use (so-called high - tech "licensing deal"). For Facebook, her goal this matter is clear: to help users improve their social network tagging of photos. Only clear that Facebook's aggressive approach. Why chose the default option will automatically face recognition will work for everyone, not just if users decided he wanted to. Either way is an achievement startup - Israel keeps coming up. Also learned that the company previously sought to acquire the face.com but was denied. Incidentally face.com only had received a proposal from Facebook and Facebook market factors put on the table some suggestions for startup companies - companies. All were rejected. The goal of the social network is clear: to shorten processes and put her hand on technologies that promote it and gain as the manpower that the same key technologies. Finally the past year Facebook has acquired an Israeli named Ssanfato for $ 70 million.

"We should be more transparent" 

Tagging pictures is more than 100 million times a day on Facebook (Photo: The Official Site) Meanwhile in face.com refuse to confirm that they are auto-tagging technology behind that Facebook began to run. Gil Hirsch, CEO, said today "Our mission in face.com is to provide facial recognition technology to other companies in a simple. So far 20 thousand developers using our face recognition technology. "Facebook for its new service Hirsch said:" We have nothing to say at this point. " In response to questions from the media, Facebook has released its official blog post, which states that "We should be more transparent with users during the deployment of this feature becoming available for them." The company wrote later post: "We launched the service Tag Suggetions to help users label their photos; action becomes more than 100 million times a day. The service is available only when uploading new images to the friends and offers only detection. If there are users who do not want their names will be offered , you can cancel your service privacy settings. "


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