Apple: Religon??

Brain researchers conducted tests and found Apple fan MRI brain response similar to that of believers who experience their God images

Did you love Apple is a religion? At least that may indicate testing conducted for the BBC documentary program - I - C. According to the tests of Apple enthusiasts, it became clear that their brand evokes a similar brain response occurs in the devout believers. Researchers conducted brain magnetic resonance imaging tests () for a fan of Apple and found that pictures of gadgets Apple officials in those areas of the brain activity arise in people who believe in light of the divine images. Her admiration for Apple products has been won without a cultural reference. Among other things you can specify the Mac Hadas documentary Israeli brothers Ron and Kobi, my fans have been following Apple's burnt. Last week said Gary Allen, Burn fan of Apple, traveling nearly 5200 kilometers across 12 U.S. states in six days to celebrate the birth decade of Apple's store network. Allen went to his home in Berkeley, California, Apple's first store, on the outskirts of Washington. Alan course runs a blog that focuses on Apple stores. He tells it all began from his experience and his son waiting in lines night out new products Apple stores.


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