Google CEO offers u to change name

In an interview predicted Eric Schmidt CEO of Google in the future people will have to replace the link name to prevent them from embarrassing content from their youth are on the network 
Will the digital age will have young people change their names as adults? Google CEO Eric Schmidt thinks may well be so. An interview with the Wall Street Journal, Schmidt said he believes that one day young people will be allowed to change their names to conceal traces of the existing documentation of their youth on the Internet, for example, sites such as Facebook. "I do not believe that the company understands What happens when everything is available and documented by everyone all the time, "he said. CEO of search giant believes that the younger generation reaches older age when much of the documentation behind it embarrassing situations would rather not expose them in front of potential employers. Since this information will not go to any source, he believes that change can be a kind of solution. Schmidt predicted the future more Google knows all - so much about its users, it can help them plan their lives. Use of location-based software Vsmartpunim will provide users with updates on the beam in their environment and inform them about the tasks they perform. "We're trying to figure out what the future of search," he said. "One idea is for you to do searches without the need for typing. I do not think most people want Google to answer their questions. They want her to tell them what they should do next"


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