Foursquare changes the privacy policy: full names will

Location-based social network Foursquare will display the full names of its users instead of just the first name
Location-based social network Foursquare has sent notice to users about its privacy policy change, he craved on January 28, 2013. In contrast to the current situation where users view action did check in is done by first name and the first letter of their last name - the new name appears in full. According to Foursquare, the move is designed to allow a confusing less and to allow businesses to see more of their visitors.

"In the original version of Foursquare would make sense to the previous display., But every day we get email messages claiming that now is confusing. Therefore, with this change, full names will be public," the company explains in its announcement.

This means that now when a user enters to Foursquare particular place, he would see the full list of names of those who made him check. Users to the new system seems too revealing, reminding Foursquare can change if the name in the application, and in fact not be exposed names.


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