iPhone: iPhone yellow screen error returns

Some purchasers new model iPhone 4S complain about yellow tint that appears on the device screen.Should resolve this problem on its own

Malfunction new iPhone model, iPhone 4S? Reported that among consumers who bought the device arecomplaining that there is a display issue. According to them, the screen has a yellowish tint. Others complainabout the color faded and contrast problems.
A similar problem was discovered with the launch of iPhone 4 and launch iPad 2 but she is resolved soon.Cause of failure in these devices, the impact effects of the glue used to build the device, was squanderedafter a time. You can wait weeks to see if it resolved itself (The device has a full year's warranty). Set themachine to display the most fair to even speed up the recovery process. However, owners are advised to consider instruments with a problem to contact Apple's support line and open a hitch.

Yesterday it was announced that the iPhone 4S sold four million units the first weekend it ships. The device is sold in the United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and England. On October 28, will be launched in 22 countries, including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Ireland, Italy and Mexico. Until the end of the year will be another 70 countries (including Israel).