Google Plus: opens plus And updateded

Google opened its social network to register all, and introduced several new features. Is it would stop the decline? 

Innovations not only Facebook, but Google's rivals plus. Google opened its social network to register all interested parties, after which until now they could use to join it by just taking orders. Google also has implemented its search engine network, and has expanded the feature Hangouts (used for video calls) enabling mobile use. In the first stage Iifal Hfitz'r smartphones with camera running the Android operating system (from Google). Support for devices made by Apple will, Google said later. Hangouts competition is actually Apple's Facetime service, which allows video calls on the - on the wireless network with iPhone and iPad includes a front camera. Plus Google users can now also host a webcast through the Hangouts - recording "talk" and real-time transmission network public access. Google notified the band Black Eyed Peas, and if, will host the first Air Hangout on today. Also learned that Google looks at more features, including the option to share access to a member of the network user's computer screen, working together through it and write documents together with Google Docs service. Plus Google open to the public and keep it up are problematic at the social network, launched three months ago. After a fast initial growth (analysts estimate that the members are currently about 25 million people) - fading interest in her. In recent weeks, it was reported that there is a marked decrease in traffic and the number of statuses that are published on decreased more than 40%. It was added more recently published an embarrassing fact: Google CEO Larry Page did not publish his account of the social network updates a month (since August 15), it having been very active in the first two months of "Google-plus" in the air. In response to Google's claim under common use of the network is not necessarily a public advertising but rather closed and advertising groups are defined, so Page's updates are not available to all users. Either way, there is significant that the CEO is not publicly expressed her social network.


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