Why is my phone number on Facebook?

Facebook is full again with complaints about invasion of privacy - this time publishing phone numbers - but it's not accurate. Explanation of what happened and how to cancel

No, Facebook do not give out your phone numbers all over the world. Reports have appeared online in the last hours in agreement that a new mechanism of the world's largest social network exposes your telephone to all network users, as well as others can see your phone. Facebook has said it was not true, but it's worth explaining what is happening. If Go down the menu "Account" on the main page and choose "Edit Friends" link on the right you will see the People of Us ". When you click on it, chances are that you'll see a lot of phone numbers - of people who are friends on Facebook, the people who your friends are on Facebook but mobile phone book, and completely different people, those you never know. So what's going on? Facebook screwed up again, and as usually, is the island biggest blunder - the existence of normal communications with customers. They did not explain, for example, that Facebook's mobile app jack, By default, your phone book into the social network. They also did not say that your phone is added to your profile when you do sync with a cell phone. All these can be canceled, but more about that later. Now we understood why there are the phone numbers of your phone book on Facebook, but what do the numbers of social network friends and strangers? This is the same people who called, Facebook's privacy options, others can see their phone number. If they are defined not only friends but also friends of friends can see the number, if you're from friends of friends' phone number will appear in Facebook.


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