Urls: Catch - Domain - Dot Com defamatory

As a defense against his critics Bank Of America bought hundreds of domains that can be used to attack him
What does Bank of buying domains slandering critics and raise them to review sites Muthim? At least in the case of Bank Of America The solution is prevention, done by buying domains with potential problematic names because perception Ushriunem by the enemy.
Source of headache is the site BANKOFAMERICASUCKS.com bank, center forums in which he maligned, entitled "The Official Website of consumer opinions of Bank Of America. " This little opposition led to the bank of the valley to spend ten thousand dollars to hundreds of similar domains, including BrianMoynihanBlows.com and annemfinucanesucks.com (names senior bank derogatory end of which is attached to a degree). The bank is not rounded corners, and procurement of these names are also extensions Doc - Get up, like Dot - Net Dot - Weaver.
However, the site had volunteered to make a list of derogatory names to Bank that (yet?) not caught by it. Including BrianMoynihanTotallySucks.org and BrianMoynihanIsPrettyLame.com. It is unclear who will win in the perception of these domains, but what is certain is who will benefit are the domain registration services.


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