Facebook beneath the surface

Experiment conducted ten rules reveals interesting about the legality of the display of the Feed Facebook. So see you anymore
Is our facebook torch presents all that our comrades raise there? If not - according to what he decides what to display and what not? These questions attempted to answer the site thedailybeast.com. Tom Weber wrote a website for ten days trial, where he played with an existing account social network and tried to discover the laws according to which it operates. He found ten interesting facts about through the workings of Facebook:
1. Facebook "negatively biased" against new users. New user's publications are almost no feed of his friends, especially if they are old friends network. Only when the treat you have a chance to start and get a torch.
2. Previous section implies a kind of "Catch 22": to get exposure you need to interact on your content, but if Atachneich are not exposed - you will not receive interactions. Clicks on your content are the key exposure.
3. What brings you it's not the amount of your activity online, but genre. Facebook has a rating system decides on the matter content.
4. The option of the "Most Recent" does not display the latest published your friends network.
5. Obsessive not change anything. Even if you are infested with a friend's profile or another - it will have no effect on the content exposed to that member. No more will your ex-girlfriend's feed if you click on each picture she raises.
6. However, if you do "Stokinge" - it does help your popularity. Many members use to get our clicks on its content - will be more than friends' feed.
7. When you post a link - the more likely it will be shown than the status bar.
8. When you post pictures and video - is more likely for them to see than the links (or lines of status).
9. Commented on your status raise the risk of feed will be served.
10. More difficult to feed the members appear to a large friends list. Or to say the reviewer: "popular kids, those with more than 600 members" did not see the subject's content even after all the steps listed ".


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