Alarm!! IPhone 4: Careful, fragile

Apple found the back of the glass covering Android four breaks too easily
How is the glass coating for your iPhone 4? Stated that this coating is in jeopardy. According to the information it published, Apple engineers have identified a potential problem with the iPhone
cover, manufactured by Apple's specifications and come with character Made for iPhone. These tariffs, in particular those same skaters on the iPhone, may - according to a block - to cause cracks in the glass coating in the back of the device.Since they discovered that Apple, Block suggests, the company stopped selling the covers of its stores - something not typical, since Apple did not make little of such coverage. He sold only cover the Bumper of Apple itself - covering not touch the glass coating device. Now, he says, the company engineers examine how widespread the problem, and established a new laboratory for this purpose.If it discovered a real problem, it would be a second episode about the format of the iPhone 4. A few days after launching the device, from reporting on the problem with iPhone's antenna 4, which leads to the drop in absorption if the user touches a specific point on the device. After weeks of accusations, Apple held a special press conference which was that this is a problem that characterizes any mobile device and is not serious in a special way at Apple. However, the company agreed to cover part of iPhone free for all purchasers of 4 to 30 September.


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