Google Chrome : Would not Allow H.264 video format!

Apple blocks not only technologies that look to her. Google announced that Chrome browser will not support H.264 video format
Is Google going the way of Apple blocking filter itself begins to flash technologies that are not like them? The company has suffered in recent days criticized the decision to stop supporting H.264 video format the following versions of the browser "chrome" that it produces. Google's claims, it wants to support more open video formats. One of them is Webm, which itself is behind the development. Mike G. Zaire, chrome product manager, wrote the official company blog on H.264 support will be removed "although video game central Atahpakid. Koontinu is to enable open innovation." However, Google supports Flash technology, which is Teachnelogy closed, Google has previously stated that it supports and opposes cut off by Apple. H.264 is the video format commonly supported standard series of electronic devices such as Blu-ray players, media streaming mobile phones. According to one survey, two thirds of these videos are encoded with it online.


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