Swype: for Android officially arrives

Swype keyboard was available so far in beta, was officially released for Android, along with voice to text conversion tool
Swype for Android officially arrives. Nuance company that probably responsible in part for Apple's Siri service (according to unconfirmed reports, since Apple does not usually disclose the names of its suppliers), application store launched Google Play the keyboard to its popular Android devices. This has been available to date instruments that came with the phone, and by signing up beta
Keyboard upload 99 cents, lets you type without lifting a finger from the Phone screen. All it takes is to move your finger over the letters that make up the word in the correct order, and she will know what word you press. The keyboard comes with a companion application - Dragon Dictation converts sound, text, and was available even before the application store.
Swype not be the first store to bring Google applications such keyboard. One of its most prominent competitors is Swiftkey, which launched its product a few years ago. Nuance in trying to explain that their keyboard better things such as identifying local dialects, and thus its dictionary is updated frequently. For example, the names of the terrorists were from Boston has its buffer.



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