Google: will store your files

Google is expected to soon launch a free file storage service to connect its various services. Anyone who wants a lot of storage space, will have to pay

Soon with cloud storage
Cloud storage service Google will be launched "within a few weeks or months", this according to the Wall Street Journal. Magazine publisher that Google will soon launch the service, which aims to synchronize the selected folders on your PC and the company's servers, in order to make the files in the folder available from anywhere. For most users, the service will be free, subject to limitations of space, and who want more storage space will be able to pay for it.
Name of the service, according to a Journal, is Drive. It lets you share files by sending a link, and is expected to interface with various network services company - Gmail to Google Docs. Recall that Dukas himself already allows uploading files of any type and save them on Google's servers, but this is a manual, time synchronization is expected to be here automatically.
Google is a pioneer in this field. Services such as Drofboks and Books. Net allows for a long time to do synchronization and automatic file sharing.Also larger competitors, such as Microsoft, entered this area long ago, when the operating system manufacturer, windows offers the service to its Skydrive service offerings as part of the 'Live'.